Monday, 18 September 2017

Probability Snail Race

Snail Race

Before the game- Randomly make each person two numbers and they are those for the rest of the game.
1) Set up your board and 12 snails
2) Make sure someone is in charge of moving each snail.
3) Take turns rolling two dice and add the numbers together.
4) Move that number snail one place along the board.
5) Keep playing until 3 snails make it across the finish line.

Our Results:
1st Place- 7
2nd Place-6
3rd Place- 5

We think that it would be great to get 7, 6 or 8 because they have a lot more numbers to add together that equal those numbers. But it doesn't always work with bigger numbers because if you get 12 or 11 you can only get 5 and 6 for 11 or 6 and 6 for 12.

Then we worked out the probability: